How to Tell if You’re Prepared for a Cyber Attack

With cyber attacks becoming rampant within the SMB sphere, you should be prepared at all times. In this era, your system can’t afford to be vulnerable. In fact, in 2016, about 43% of the recorded cyberattacks were aimed at small businesses. As a business owner, how can you tell if you’re prepared? Let’s start by answering some questions:

Q1: How secure is your business data?

As a business, you’re probably storing customer data, including their credit card information, address, and more. Do you have any firewall in place? Or any sort of defense if a hacker tries to get its hand on this information?

If the answer is no, it’s time to create stringent layers of security so hackers won’t easily pry your system open.

Q2: Do you know the different types of cyberattacks?

Hackers are getting sneakier by the hour. The cyberattacks last year would be different in the coming months. You should be able to spot the red flags even before the hacker gets into your system. Do your employees know how to spot phishing emails? How about suspicious system activities?

Although viruses are the most common Trojans of hackers, there are other various ways they can get into your company’s system.

Q3: Do you have a backup plan in place in case of a cyberattack?

The worst-case scenario during a cyberattack is your employees losing access or control over their computers. This means data will be compromised, and your operation will be paused.

You and your employees should be fully aware of the weight of the impact once cyberattacks are aimed at your business. Plan as if a storm is coming. That way, everyone in your company will be prepared for the possible onslaught.

Q4: What are your current cybersecurity policies?

You don’t have to wait for a cyberattack before crafting cybersecurity policies. Cybersecurity should be considered as necessary as the physical security of your business. You and your employees should have something to refer to when an attack happens. Also, it will put the culprit accountable if it happens to be an inside job.

Your policies should include knowing how to identify phishing emails, what to do with it, and how to deal with the damage should the hacker enters the system.

Q5: Do you have recovery policies after a cyberattack?

If ever your business became the victim of the hacking, you should have a recovery policy in place. This way, your employees will have a basis on where to begin the reparation. Also, it will guarantee your customers that you’re doing something.

You have to know that the aftermath of the hacking won’t just impact the trust of your customers. The decline in sales and operation downtime will also cost you money.

Q6: Have you identified the common breach points within your business?

By this time, you should have identified the common breach points in your business. Once you pointed it out, you should devise a plan to mitigate and patch it up. For small businesses, outsourcing your IT security will be a much cost-efficient decision.


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